Seven Self-Care Strategies of a Successful Leader
“You cannot give what you do not have,” shared a highly respected senior executive of a major Fortune 500 company during a coaching session. “My secret to being a successful leader is making sure that my cup is full so I can pour into my team, my organization, and my industry. When I was an emerging leader, I let life stretch me to the breaking point, and it hurt my career. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to realize that investing in self-care allows me to achieve more as a leader.”
In my client work, robust self-care strategies are central to being a successful leader. My executive clients often report feeling overwhelmed, with very little time to themselves. This creates dangerous territory where even the most well-meaning leader can quickly suffer from excess stress, which can also potentially hinder their performance and future opportunities.
In Stress and Its Relationship to Leadership and a Healthy Workplace Culture, researchers David B. Ross, Julie A. Exposito and Tom Kennedy write, “If a leader experiences stress, neurotransmitters, and hormones are released and the leader may experience a short period of increased focus and reaction time. But if the stress exists for a long enough period of time, there will be negative consequences. Characteristics of these negative behaviors include (a) lack of listening, (b) over-analysis, (c) failure to make decisions, and (d) erratic, fearful or angry emotional decisions.”
Self-Care Strategies for a Successful Leader
Clearly there is a distinct need for leaders to practice self-care strategies to reduce stress and restore depleted energy stores in order to maintain peak performance. In our age of distraction and impatience, self-care can easily fall by the wayside during the mad daily rush. With this in mind, any successful self-care strategy must also be simple.
Even on the most hectic day, almost anyone can find time to ask themselves key questions to make sure that they are on the right track. Here are a few strategies you can employ to “fill your cup” and some associated questions to challenge yourself.
1. Set boundaries.
• When was the last time I said no to something? Time is a nonrenewable resource. When you say yes to one thing, you are saying no to something else. Be strategic with what you agree to do.
• Am I trying to be the best at all things? Perfection is not obtainable, and striving to be the best is often self-defeating and demoralizing to your team. Meet expectations and exceed them when tactically smart to do so.
• Have I allowed myself to let go of things I do not have to keep? For some leaders I work with, letting go and effective delegation can sometimes be challenging. Ask yourself: What can someone else do 80% as well as I can?
2. Refuel yourself.
• What small thing can I do today that will bring me joy? Consider what you love to do, and include that in your daily routine. What brings you joy often recharges your energies.
• Have I taken a moment to just breathe today? I don’t know about you, but I find practicing the art of the pause extremely powerful. A pause is a moment when you are not thinking about things that stress you. Maybe you don’t think at all. Just breathe.
• What have I done to invest in myself? Being a successful leader includes taking time to invest in your personal growth. The best leaders know this and make sure to continually focus on self-development.
3. Get outside.
• When was the last time I was physically active? Even something as simple as taking a short walk to lunch can feel refreshing. Many of my clients report that their best ideas come when they are physically active.
• What can I do today to connect with nature? Research suggests that contact with nature can improve mood, cognition, and health. If the weather is good: instead of meeting in a conference room, see if there is a park nearby.
4. Practice kindness.
• Did I show appreciation and gratitude, share a compliment, and be sure to thank others today? Kindness comes from a position of strength — it is not a weakness. The more you spread kindness, the more likely you are to receive it. Your team will be more supportive and open to your leadership when they feel appreciated.
• Was I kind to myself today? Kindness goes two ways. If you are not kind to yourself, it’s less likely that you will be kind to others. Kindness is often subtle or misinterpreted. For example: splurging on ice cream isn’t always “kindness” if you will suffer from it later.
5. Be aware of your mindset.
• How do I speak to myself? Does my inner voice affirm or criticize me? How we speak to ourselves is critical. I have noticed a distinct and direct correlation between mindset and career success. We rarely outperform our own expectations.
• Am I dwelling on the positive or negative aspects of circumstances? How we label circumstances in our minds will affect our decision-making. You will respond to what you expect, even in the face of facts to the contrary. Be intentional with your mental focus.
6. Reflect.
• Did I take the time to reflect on today’s events? Experience is not the best teacher – evaluated experience is. Daily reflection is a powerful tool that allows you to cognitively reframe experiences from a more positive and productive perspective.
• What did I learn and what am I grateful for today? Reflection gives us the space to learn from experiences at a time when we are not so emotionally attached. By focusing on the positive in a productive fashion, you are encouraging a more positive mindset.
7. Celebrate!
• When was the last time I acknowledged something I did well? I have found that most driven, successful professionals are hardest on themselves. Taking the time to acknowledge what you did well fuels motivation and inspiration.
• When was the last time I celebrated someone else? Hand in hand with acknowledgement: creating space to celebrate someone else on your team or in your network is a powerful way to make them feel heard, seen, and appreciated.
Based on my work with driven professionals, I encourage the practice of these seven self-care strategies of a successful leader. While deceptively straightforward, these habits encourage awareness and give you the ability to cognitively reframe experiences, consider what you have learned, and adjust behaviors to ensure your continued leadership achievement.
See the original article on Forbes
My name is Erin Urban (LSSBB, CPDC), I’m a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a keynote speaker, certified career growth and executive leadership development coach with almost a decade of mentoring and coaching successful professional transformations.
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