7 Savvy Salary Negotiation Tactics for Career Growth

#10 in the Career Growth Series! Leveraging savvy salary negotiation tactics is not only critical, is it underutilized. Take the stress out with these smart strategies and get better compensation. It’s easier to negotiate upfront for more money or paid time off than it is after you have accepted the job!

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Seven Self-Care Strategies of a Successful Leader

“You cannot give what you do not have,” shared a highly respected senior executive of a major Fortune 500 company during a coaching session. “My secret to being a successful leader is making sure that my cup is full so I can pour into my team, my organization, and my industry. When I was an…

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10 Tips to Enjoy a Minimalist Mindful Vacation

How to Resist Over-Planning and Stay Stress-Free As one of the biggest over-planners I know: throwing together a largely unplanned vacation is way outside of my comfort zone. Regardless, I was determined to do something new. I wanted to avoid my usual obsessively detailed tendencies and go for a minimalist mindful vacation! The trick is:…

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The Shocking Truth: Being An Overachiever Will Hurt Your Career

Article Originally Published on Forbes I’m not sure when it all started. From the time I can remember, I put my toys away neatly while other children played with reckless abandon. I was shy, quiet, loved to build with Legos and organizing things. One day I grew up, lost the shyness, became a professional young…

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How to Ace the Interview in 15 Minutes or Less

Ace the Interview in 15 Minutes or Less Interviews: love them or hate them – every job seeker must learn to ace the interview in 15 minutes or less. In the age of impatience, we get very little time to make a great first impression. It’s a sad fact that the person most qualified for…

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How to Achieve 25% More Free Time by Doing 1 Thing

The internet is full of advice on how to maximize your personal productivity and get more free time. With a wealth of information at our fingertips and zillions of articles about how to improve one’s lifestyle, the question is: why aren’t these tips helping? The thing is; if you are like most people: short on…

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