How to Escape Mediocrity by Changing How You Think

How to Ditch Lack-Mindedness & Carve Your Own Path with Success Thinking We are a culture of comparison and a culture of acquisition. We constantly seek the newest, best rated, most popular and ‘cool’ things in life. We have expectations to meet. Expectations from ourselves, our parents and our friends. We think by meeting these…

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7 Steps to Unlock Your Influential Leadership Potential

How to Lead by Influence | No Title Required The word ‘leadership’ is sorely misused in our culture every day. We commonly refer to those in management or executive positions as ‘leaders’. Leadership does not automatically come with a position. Titles do not guarantee a manager will be a leader. Conversely: anyone can be a…

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Life Lessons are Learned Best from Others

Life Lessons are Learned Best from Others I had a young mentee once say to me: “What can I learn from a mentor that I can’t learn from Google?” I was stunned and then saddened. The ability to learn life lessons from others is a valuable trait to cultivate. Not only do you shorten your…

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The Shocking Truth: Being An Overachiever Will Hurt Your Career

Article Originally Published on Forbes I’m not sure when it all started. From the time I can remember, I put my toys away neatly while other children played with reckless abandon. I was shy, quiet, loved to build with Legos and organizing things. One day I grew up, lost the shyness, became a professional young…

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3 Urgent Reasons to Email Less and Talk More

“I feel like all I do is answer emails all day.” More than a feeling, most professionals just like you spend at least one-quarter of their day deep in the inbox sandpit. Email is the #1 form of professional communication with instant messaging and texting fighting for second place. While appearing seductively convenient, email is…

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4 Proven Fundamentals to Overcome Our Obsession with Failure

What makes successful people excel in almost every aspect of their life? What’s the secret? You know what I’m talking about. Some call it luck. These achievers seem to be able to accomplish amazing things in life and overcome tremendous obstacles. They don’t appear to know what failure is! Our society is consumed with an…

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How to Make Every Day Your Masterpiece

How to Make Every Day Your Masterpiece Ever wonder how some successful people are able to accomplish so much? Some appear to be mysteriously blessed with time to suit their purposes while the rest of us are gasping for breath just trying to get through the day. There are no mysteries to be solved. No…

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The Art of Being in the Moment and Letting Go of “Should”

The Art of Being in the Moment and Letting Go of “Should” I realized one day that I was wasting precious time agonizing over something I felt I ‘should’ do but wasn’t for reasons that made perfect logical sense. Yet, there I was, not living in the moment and not appreciating the NOW. I was…

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5 Smart Steps to Investing in Self Development

The other day I was taking time to read and reflect as a part of my own personal development plan and it struck me how important this time is. Investing in self development wisely is critical to your growth, well being, goal-focus, and regaining energy that you give out every day. If you don’t invest in…

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No Signal, No Worries – Control Freak to Clarity

No signal, no worries – and a few lessons learned on vacation without cell signal. I learned that I was an obsessive weather app checker. For some, it’s Facebook, Twitter, or even Pinterest. For me: it’s the weather. Upon reflection, this makes sense for an outdoorsy type with hobbies that include hiking and cycling. After…

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