7 Savvy Salary Negotiation Tactics for Career Growth

#10 in the Career Growth Series! Leveraging savvy salary negotiation tactics is not only critical, is it underutilized. Take the stress out with these smart strategies and get better compensation. It’s easier to negotiate upfront for more money or paid time off than it is after you have accepted the job!

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Seven Self-Care Strategies of a Successful Leader

“You cannot give what you do not have,” shared a highly respected senior executive of a major Fortune 500 company during a coaching session. “My secret to being a successful leader is making sure that my cup is full so I can pour into my team, my organization, and my industry. When I was an…

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4 Invaluable Insights How to Pivot into Lasting Leadership

Challenging Assumptions and Inspiring Powerful Positive Transformations I have personally gained invaluable insights how to pivot into lasting leadership through the journey and achievement of my Leadership Coaching Certification. My introduction to leadership principles was in a book by John Maxwell given by my mentor over 10 years ago. Since that time my life began…

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The Remarkable Benefits of Kindness at Work

Historically kindness is often considered a weakness in the world of business. We don’t want to subdue the fire that drives us to be successful and move up the ladder of the corporate world. Everyone knows you can’t be successful by being a doormat! Fortunately: being kind has nothing to do with being a doormat…

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7 Steps to Unlock Your Influential Leadership Potential

How to Lead by Influence | No Title Required The word ‘leadership’ is sorely misused in our culture every day. We commonly refer to those in management or executive positions as ‘leaders’. Leadership does not automatically come with a position. Titles do not guarantee a manager will be a leader. Conversely: anyone can be a…

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The Tremendous Power of Gratitude at Work

How Giving Praise Increases Employee Engagement “Thank You”, one of the most underrated words in the English language. In a fast-disappearing culture of appreciation and consideration for others, these two powerful words are given less credence. As a society, we are more likely to become outraged than offer gratitude. It’s important to note that [inlinetweet…

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