Most 1:1 Meetings Are A Waste of Time, Do This Instead
One-to-one meetings erupted in the struggle to avoid the once-a-year performance review meeting and have a (hopefully) meaningful conversation more often. The problem is – most 1:1 meetings are a waste of time. Recently, I read an article where the author shared her take on some questions that managers should ask during a 1:1 meeting. As I read the list, my eyes rolled back in my head.
“How’s life?” “What’s the latest on ___?” and “How can we improve?” were some of the questions that were cited in the article – all equally terrible and almost guaranteed to minimize employee engagement.
No wonder most 1:1 meetings are a waste of time! If this the best we can do at coming up with creative questions, it’s not surprising many people avoid them. In order to solve the problem, it’s important to understand the real reason why 1:1 meetings should be something you look forward to! But first, here are some things to stop doing in your 1:1s:
1. Stop using 1:1 meetings to catch up.
If you, as a manager, use your precious resources to ask an inane question like “How’s it going?” or “How’s life?” it’s likely you aren’t connected to your team. Unless you have been out of the country or otherwise incapacitated, you should have some idea how your employee’s life is going. Why? Because, as a manager, your job is to connect with your team on a frequent basis and get to know them as real people.
2. Stop using 1:1 meetings for reporting.
As a manager, it’s your job to know the status of projects. A 1:1 meeting isn’t an accountability tool — it’s an opportunity to discover and assist in areas that are not so transparent. Team dynamics, operational challenges or personal roadblocks are what you want to learn about. Besides, how in the world can you clarify priorities, effectively utilize your resources and provide support if you have no idea what’s going on except after a 1:1 meeting?
3. Stop using 1:1 meetings as a survey tool.
You may have missed the point of 1:1 meetings if you are asking “How can we improve?” or “How can we excel against competitors?” As a manager, one hopes that you will be focusing on the employee and their development. Questions like these are a smack in the face. You may as well say, “We don’t really care about your development, just the company’s bottom line, thanks.” Take this time to develop your team members, not your business growth plan.
Stop wasting time. Here’s what to do instead.
I think the gap here is that people have forgotten why we have 1:1 meetings to begin with. The purpose of 1:1 meetings is to actively develop your team. With that in mind, let’s look at some methods to ensure that each 1:1 meeting is effective.
1. Meet regularly and frequently.
Once-a-week meetings are for staff stand-up meetings or general reporting. Your 1:1 meetings need to be scheduled at the same time with each team member every month or quarter. By scheduling regular meetings, it gives your team some peace of mind that they will have access to your undivided attention. They also will know that they don’t have to make a special request or interrupt you to share ideas, get insights or express concerns.
2. Establish an agenda.
Agendas are essential for any meeting, and 1:1 meetings are no exception to the rule. A set agenda makes sure that you don’t forget anything and the employee knows what to prepare for. There is nothing more unsettling than meeting with your boss and not really knowing what will be discussed. It also allows the employee to add any pertinent items to the agenda so you can be more prepared to support a need.
3. Focus on the employee.
As mentioned, the main purpose of 1:1 meetings is professional development. Therefore, the focus must be on the employee—not general reporting or company business. Those must be handled differently. If you treat your 1:1 meetings like a sacred space devoted to the connection, development, and support of your team, that energy will pay off in an empowered as well as engaged culture.
4. Establish a development plan.
Employee development will not be successful without a plan. First, understand the goals of your team member and check these periodically: Sometimes goals change. Empower your employee to create the bulk of their own developmental plan so they have skin in the game. Fill in any gaps as needed to ensure an effective trajectory. As a manager, your job is to coach and support them in their achievement. It’s the employee’s responsibility to work toward achieving the milestones on the plan.
5. Work the plan.
Once you have a developmental plan, assess your team member’s performance against the plan. Give timely, relevant and specific guidance on growth during your 1:1 meetings. Ask your employee how they feel that they have performed against their goals. What positives, gaps or opportunities do they see? Have a method for giving feedback that is supportive and proactive. Collaborate rather than control their future action items towards the goal.
6. Guide, don’t steer.
Your employees won’t contribute their ideas or share their concerns if all you want to do is control. Develop a coaching mindset when it comes to giving feedback, advice, and support to your employees. The same perspective is useful when you need to address performance gaps. Instead of telling them how to fix or do something, ask questions to help the employee arrive at their own conclusion.
Your 1:1 meetings don’t have to be a waste of time. It’s up to you to provide the structure and the genuine interest in your team’s development to transform the blasé 1:1 meeting into something empowering, energetic and exciting for both you and the employee.

A little bit about me …. my name is Erin Urban (LSSBB, CPDC), I’m a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a keynote speaker, a certified career growth and leadership development coach with almost a decade of mentoring and coaching successful professional transformations.
I help people achieve more potential, more purpose and more passion in their careers!
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