Seven Surefire Steps To Develop Your Leadership Credibility And Influence
Are you a new leader to your team? Perhaps you have just received a promotion! If so, you will need to develop your leadership credibility and influence with your new team – even if you think that your reputation proceeds you.
Regardless of whether you are an experienced leader or new to management, you have to build trust whenever you work with new people – even if you simply change roles. Sound exhausting? Not if you know, and live, the critical steps to developing your credibility.
What Credibility Does For You
If you have credibility and people know, like and trust you, it makes your life much easier. Credibility means that you don’t have to “sell” yourself. People are willing to take you at your word and respect your ideas. Your team is more likely to work with you and people are willing to follow your lead.
Credibility is a desired trait to have. Unfortunately, you can’t buy it online and have it delivered tomorrow to your door. You can’t make it up, and there’s no special pill for it. Credibility is developed by constant and consistent demonstrated action.
Developing Credibility
Credibility is also not something that happens overnight or something you can do just once. Lack of consistency is one reason why not everyone has credibility. The other reason some people struggle with credibility is that they do not realize their actions speak louder than words.
You can say that you are “never late” all you want. But, if you are chronically late, you have damaged your credibility. Your actions define others’ opinions of you. Little things can also add up. Friends and family might put up with more than your colleagues. Don’t expect that the workplace will be as forgiving with little bad habits as your friends are.
Studies show that trust is declining around the world, even though it’s relatively simple to engage and maintain trust by focusing on seven key areas. Here are some ways to ensure that your actions back up your intentions so you can be someone that others know, like and trust:
1. Be authentic.
Sounds easy, but this is probably one of the hardest things for many people to do. Authenticity can be scary for some people because they are afraid to be themselves and be judged by others. Being authentic doesn’t mean you have to air your dirty laundry. It’s about being true to yourself. In other words, don’t try to be someone you aren’t. You may fool people for a while, but it won’t last forever. The repercussions of inauthenticity are more impactful than you think.
2. Ask questions.
Asking questions is one of the best ways to connect with others. It’s also a great way to show appreciation for other people’s experiences and knowledge. If you don’t know the answer, don’t be afraid to ask someone. Even as a leader, you do not have have to know all the answers! Leadership isn’t defined by your expertise as much as how well you connect to others. Asking questions allows you to benefit from others’ experiences.
3. Ask for help.
Very similar to asking questions, asking for help encourages connections. It also demonstrates authentic behavior. You are human and, even if you’re the boss, you cannot be expected to know (or do) everything. Asking for help lets others feel needed. By doing so, you are actually helping them feel valued. Asking for help, when warranted, isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of intelligence. As a leader – delegation is an essential skill. Look at your ‘asking for help’ as delegating something you do not have keep to someone that might be able to do it better.
4. Listen.
The art of listening is often misunderstood. Listening is an essential component of communicating with intent. Listening doesn’t mean impatiently waiting until there’s a break in the conversation so you can jump in. If you are so busy thinking about what you have to say, you aren’t listening in the first place. Listening is an important factor for showing respect and consideration to others. It also allows you to broaden your mind. Active listening is a key skill for leaders.
5. Follow through.
When you say you will do something, do it. Because following through on your actions is so critical to developing your credibility, you need to be careful about what you say you will do in the first place. Set realistic expectations on delegated tasks that you are accountable for. Resist the urge to over-volunteer yourself, and be honest about your capabilities. I’ve been guilty of trying to do too much, and it’s extremely stressful. I’ve also personally witnessed young leaders passed up for opportunities because they constantly overcommitted. When you say ‘yes’ to one thing, you are saying ‘no’ to something else.
6. Invest in yourself.
Developing and growing is richly rewarding regardless of how it impacts your credibility. If you make an intentional effort to improve yourself, it shows. Investing in yourself tells people you care about your contributions to the world. It shows that you know you aren’t perfect and you are open to change. In addition, you cannot invest in others if you don’t invest in yourself first. As a leader, your primary focus is to support others to achieve the mission of the team and perform at their highest level. You cannot give what you do not have.
7. Invest in others.
Nothing develops trust more than when you invest in other professional development. Time is a non-replenishable resource. Taking time, sharing what you’ve learned and actively helping others is incredibly impactful and compounding. Not only are you able to develop better team-players, but you’re also demonstrating that you value them as an individual. Teams thrive for leaders that clearly show their concern for the well-being of the team – both professionally and personally.
Compounding Credibility
Credibility is required if you want others to know, like and trust you as a leader. Whether you are an experienced manager or new to leadership, it’s important to demonstrate your credibility to achieve success. While credibility doesn’t transfer from job to job or person to person, it’s worth the investment to develop. With every new connection or change in your position, you have another opportunity to gain trust.
Trust takes time to develop! The nice part is that your credibility begins to compound when you start investing in others. If you are intentional about being authentic, asking questions, listening to others, asking for help and following through, you will enjoy the credibility required to lead with influence. When you start compounding your credibility, your next career move may not require you to start all over again. Your reputation may proceed you.

Remove career roadblocks and achieve your potential
About me – My name is Erin Urban (LSSBB, CPDC), I’m a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a keynote speaker, certified career growth and an executive leadership development coach with almost a decade of mentoring and coaching successful professional transformations. I help people achieve more impact, more influence, and more income.
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