4 Links Between a Massive Sinkhole and Self Recharging
A Sinkhole and Self Recharging – an Unlikely Connection?
As we look back on the years of 2015 and 2016 in Texas, it may be forever known as the Perpetual Flood Years. As a friend of mine stated: “We’ve had three 100-year floods in 2 years!” Just in the month of May last year: Texas has received about 35 TRILLION gallons which is enough to cover the entire state in about 8 inches of water and about as much rain has fallen in the months of April and May this year. Let’s just say that Texans, in general, are feeling a bit water-logged. However, outside of the massive damage, tragedy, and strife – there is a sunny side to our soggy story.
Buried deep in the limestone hills near San Marcos, TX there is a secret sink hole responsible for recharging a portion of the Edwards Aquifer (a major source of water for significant population areas). This mysterious spot on private land is consuming an estimated 500 cubic feet of water per second. The sinkhole was draining the equivalent of an Olympic-sized swimming pool every three minutes deep into the earth. This phenomenon is known as a RECHARGE and is critical to bring water levels back up from the drastically low measurements taken before the Rainocalypse hit Texas last year.
What has recharging an aquifer got to do with you?
Simple: just as recharging the aquifer is key to a much-needed source of life within the Texas hills – recharging ones’ internal mental energy stores is also vital to our own personal well-spring of life and vitality. We tend to become caught up in the daily hustle and usually over-book our time to the point where we cannot take time for ourselves to recharge. Re-charging oneself is more important than you might think!
#1 Recharging is Not Selfish. It represents a healthy way to stay mentally sharp, balanced, and energized which positively impacts those around you – especially if you are a parent, care-giver, spouse, partner, work with others, or in any sort of service industry. Your colleagues will thank you for taking time for you rather than becoming exhausted, stretched, or impatient because you are over-whelmed and stressed.
#2 Recharging Means Disconnecting. Our devices and apps are eroding the historical separation between work and the rest of our lives. We are always reachable. Make yourself unavailable to anything except phone calls. Turn off the TV, social media, and don’t connect to the Wi-Fi. The good news is that; not only will you survive the potential shock to your system – you will most likely find the mental space and clarity of thought to have your biggest ‘ah-hah!’ moments. By disconnecting you truly connect with yourself and your loved ones.
#3 Don’t Reschedule the Recharge. Avoid the temptation to schedule something else into the ‘self-time’ you have set aside. It’s tempting to allow life to trample our quiet time and we might yield to external pressures to meet some last-minute commitment or request. Stay firm to do what you need to feed your soul. Let’s face it: if you don’t add value to you – no one else will. You cannot give to others what you do not have. Life always asks us to give more time, energy, creative thought, or what-have-you. If you haven’t made space in your life to obtain (or recharge) these things: you cannot give it.

fancycrave1 / Pixabay
#4 Recharging Doesn’t Require Tons of Time. Now, I will say that – if you haven’t taken any ‘you’ time in years: be prepared to need several weeks off at some point to feel fully rested and mentally alert. However, several 5 minute breaks during your work day might do the trick. Or: plan a lunch away from the office in a relaxing environment or a park. Perhaps recharging is 30 minutes of electronic device free time with the family. Maybe you read a book before bed. Whatever the means by which you recharge your energy stores – it doesn’t have to take chunks of precious time out of your day.
Top Tips on How to Manage that Crazy ‘To Do’ List!
One year I decided to break up my vacation into 2-3 day off increments throughout the entire year. It was the most fun I think I’ve ever had! I was able to take complete mental breaks throughout my demanding work cycle and it kept me from feeling burnt-out and mentally exhausted. During the same year I received a promotion, so a good attitude really does pay off! I also lost weight thanks to my lower stress levels. The link to stress and health is significant so please don’t over-look the importance of recharging your batteries – just like that secret sinkhole is recharging vital water supplies in west Texas. Take time to unwind!