The Secret About the Secret Pool of Jobs
The Secret About the Secret Pool of Jobs
It was late one afternoon when I got the call. The speaker on the other end quickly introduced themselves as responding to my application for a job position and they wanted to set up an interview. I eagerly accepted the time and date for the interview as I was anxious not to miss an opportunity. After I hung up the phone I realized: I wasn’t sure which application they were referring to or maybe I had missed it during the fast conversation. Not wanting to look foolish, I didn’t call back for clarification. I figured that I would know more when I met my interviewer.
A day later during the interview, I realized I had made a huge mistake.
I had been targeted by a snake in the grass trying to sell me ‘Executive Head-Hunting’ services. This person, after the pleasantries, proceeded to use fear-tactics telling me that I would “never see 85% of the real job opportunities” because only people with certain connections will know about them. The fake interviewer continued to tell me how my resume wouldn’t even be considered because, even I did see a job opening, most times it would be already filled through a select collection of executive head hunters. This person tried to make me feel insignificant and hopeless.
The good news is, it didn’t work: I was furious!
The Secret Pool of Jobs
There is no such thing as a ‘secret pool of jobs’. You or someone you know may have received a similar call. It’s a bait and switch from what you thought was an interview to a fear-mongering sales tactic designed to prey upon the fears of desperate professionals in transition. For a significant fee, you will be told that they can revamp your resume and put your information in front of all the ‘right’ people – the people in the know. Otherwise you, a lowly scum-bag job seeker, won’t stand a chance to get the job you want.
What a bunch of hogwash.
The Secret Behind the Secret

Unsplash / Pixabay
These vultures of the job market prey upon the fears and desires of job seekers just like you and me. I was anxious to find a good place to land years ago and job hunting can be discouraging. The problem is: these people aren’t even real head-hunters and they certainly are not recruiters. They are prevalent enough that the underhanded practice has started a belief that there really IS a secret pool of jobs that only certain people know about. As a career coach, I get asked about this at least 1 out of 5 times by clients.
There isn’t any secret society of select so-called head hunters.
After laying out large sums of cash, the most you can hope for is that these vultures will circulate your resume as much as you could have done yourself. They may submit your application to job boards online or send your resume to recruiters. There is a faint hope that these people at least know something about how to craft a resume that beats the ATS software requirements for online job applications – but that’s a slim chance. To make matters worse: months later, after there has been NO return on your investment, these vultures will just blame your so-called lack of skills as the reason you haven’t gotten any interviews.
Don’t be a Victim
If you want to stop a fake interview like I’ve describe in its tracks: ask for a guarantee with a refund if they don’t find you a job that fits your criteria within 4 months.
Don’t be a victim and fall into the trap of thinking that there is a secret pool of jobs that only select people know about. You are a smart, savvy professional that has all the skills and abilities to find a great job that you will enjoy!
Be a More Effective Job Seeker:
- Leverage YOUR Network! If you haven’t heard it at least 100 times already – you MUST maximize your network. How? Don’t be a needy job-seeker. Ask questions about other people and put others first! Go out to lunch, coffee or the like and demonstrate genuine interest in the welfare of the other person. A network-killer is asking if they can help you get a job straight out of the gate. You will know after some conversation if your network contact will be (a) able to help you, (b) willing to lend aid, or (c) in a position to assist. Ask what you can do for them.
- Upgrade Your Resume! Your old-style traditional resume probably won’t cut it in today’s software and algorithm world. If you apply for jobs online; you will need a resume that works with the system. Use plain formatting! Don’t use pictures, graphs, charts, tables, symbols and so on. Don’t use your Summary as a section to stick a lot of cool fillers about how detail-oriented you are, how well you work with others or what a great multitasker you’ve become. Those are a waste of valuable white space! What makes you unique and special? SELL THAT and tell hiring managers what you WILL DO FOR THEM in your ‘summary’ area. Don’t make your resume an obituary!
Connect with me to receive a free online-specific resume template!
- Focus on Your Accomplishments! Everyone has impact stories about how they have added value to their current and previous employers. Rick Gillis, local career evangelist on the Forbes Coaches Council, talks at great length about how to maximize your impact stories and the importance of accomplishments in his book: Promote!. Liz Ryan, the CEO of The Human Workplace, talks about the importance of ‘dragon-slaying’ stories. Understanding, cataloging and communicating your accomplishments in your resumes, network discussions and interviews are HUGE and will guarantee that you stand out from the competition.
- Interview for Impact! Body language matters. It’s important that you walk with confidence, meet people eye to eye as appropriate and deliver a firm (but not bone-crushing) handshake. Smile and learn to relax – even before the interview. Interviews are particularly challenging for introverts. Amy Cuddy discusses how our posture can actually shape our interactions with others. She recommends Power Poses before any challenging engagement. Most of all: be prepared, know the company, have pertinent questions, ask the interviewers about the culture and don’t forget to get more detail about what expectations are for the job. If you want the job: TELL THEM before you leave.
- Leverage LinkedIn! Like it or not: LinkedIn is your digital professional fingerprint. The first place any hiring manager or HR specialist will look when they receive your resume is LinkedIn. Make sure you have a FOCUS and aren’t selling yourself as the do-everything person. Having tons of skills is fantastic. Not having a focus by which to target those skills is NOT. Decide what jobs meet your strengths and will bring you the fulfillment you desire. TARGET those jobs in your LinkedIn profile. Use your headline as a personal branding statement – not your latest job title.
The Secret to Success is within YOU
You are in control of your own career destiny! You do not need some vulture casting a spell of hopelessness over you. You can find the job that you desire! Link with recruiters you respect, make it known that you are looking. Clearly communicate your accomplishments through LinkedIn, your resume, networking conversations and in interviews. Find a mentor or a partner with a career coach to help you along the way. Your biggest asset is YOU and the positive impact you have demonstrated with the organizations that were lucky enough to have you. Make certain that these impact stories shine in your job search!
Want to discover more about how to craft a resume that communicates your expertise, leverage LinkedIn, maximize your networks and interview with impact?
Reach out to me for a free 30 minute consultation
Erin Urban, LSBB, CPDC is a Certified Professional Development Coach with almost 20 years experience as a cultural change agent and focusing the last 8 years on coaching, mentoring and supporting teams as well as individuals to defy their limits and live their dreams.