Post-Election Hangover – 4 Ways to Cope

52Hertz / Pixabay

Got the post-election hangover blues? As the political frenzy churns itself out while almost every post on social media is about the election and over half of America suffers from shock and awe in the feeling that maybe their vote really didn’t count… there is hope.

Nope, the popular vote doesn’t necessarily elect Presidents, but this story doesn’t end here and it’s not all about the Electoral College and our arguably broken governmental system. If you want to know more about how the presidential election really works and how someone with only 20% of the popular vote can theoretically win the Electoral College: click here.

This is about HOPE and CHANGE.

A friend said to me today: “Well, I suppose there’s nothing we can really do, we can’t make a difference or impact change.” I say: YES YOU CAN.

There are 4 Ways Everyone Can Make a Difference


Understand what is inside your circle of influence and what is not. Accept what you cannot control and release the angst, frustration, and anger. Let go of that which does not serve you and be at peace within yourself. You cannot control the weather, traffic, or other people (or politics). You may influence others that you are connected to, if you can do so from a place of selflessness, but there are no guarantees. If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster. You are responsible for you and your actions – that is all.

Understand Your Impact

skeeze / Pixabay

skeeze / Pixabay

You have more impact that you believe. We do not give ourselves enough credit and we don’t always appreciate how much we influence others, even total strangers, by our actions, words, and deeds. Even the most introverted person will impact over 20,000 people in their lives! Consider this and choose your actions wisely. Instead of ignoring the cashier at the grocery store: make eye contact and say “thank you”. Hold the door for someone. Let a stranger go first. Read a book to a child. Volunteer during the Holidays. Bring food to a family in need. Or, just be ok with someone getting in front of you in traffic – it doesn’t cost you anything! Live intentionally and mindfully.

Stay True to Yourself

Stand firm in what you believe, your morality, and your core values. The media is busy pushing as much negative drivel down our throats as they can and so many just soak it all in. I call it negative brain-washing. We are shown (based on TV examples) that it’s ok to be back-stabbing, selfish, vain, shallow, materialistic, cheating crooks and liars. Is this what we want as the symbol of ‘normal’? Stay true to your core values and beliefs – regardless of external pressures. You have the power and the choice to be a wonderful person and spread that joy through your influence to everyone you meet.

Think Community

vait_mcright / Pixabay

As a society, we have drifted apart from our families, our communities, and often, our friends. I can find a tenuous sense of community when I travel into the countryside. The thin remnants remain of a society that stays true to one another, shelters one another, supports each other, and considers every member. However, in the urban areas, that is all but gone … or is it? Hold space in your heart for your friends, family, and your community. You may not even know your neighbors – but you might belong to a club or a group that has its own sense of community. Foster that!


Community Built This Country

Our nation was founded on strong community bonds and this is what the media rips apart by having us tear at each other like snarling dogs by thrusting conflict in our face – all in the name of good ratings. I see so many posts about “weeding out my friends list thanks to the election” – really?? That’s a shame. Unless you didn’t really know the person to begin with, why can’t friends be friends and people be allowed their differences of opinion while still understanding that we come from the same place?

We are all citizens of this staggering Nation and of this global footprint. We all make a difference… but not if we are constantly fighting one another and focusing on the negative.

Simon Sinek alluded that maybe we get the politicians we deserve and perhaps they are a reflection of ourselves. As our society and our business practices have become increasingly narcissistic, greedy and callous – is it possible that our politicians simply reflect what we have become. If we are sick of politicians, then perhaps we need to look at changing ourselves first to impact a change in the country.


Donald Trump is a Reflection of Us | Simon Sinek | London Real Academy

Focus on What’s Important

KraeheMicha / Pixabay

Individuals that stood true to their core values, impacted change, and fostered communities built this country – not some silly Presidential election between a potential crook and possible misogynistic actor. Regardless of your political allegiances, appreciate others for who they are at their core. It’s your choice whether you get caught up in the smoke and mirrors of media furor or whether you recognize that the more divided we become – the less we, as citizens of this great nation, can make a difference with ONE VOICE.

On the positive side: it will probably take a lot more than one President to shift the fate of an entire nation. Who knows – perhaps THIS post-election hangover is what America needs to WAKE UP and realize that what makes this country great is YOU.

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