Maximize Productivity in 1 Step
The internet is full of “5 Steps to Success” and “10 Things to be More Productive” articles

FirmBee / Pixabay
… a few of which I wrote. With a wealth of information at our fingertips and zillions of articles about how to improve one’s lifestyle, the question is: why aren’t these tips helping? The thing is; if you are like most people: short on time, short on patience, and already overwhelmed – the 10 Step program to maximize productivity might be just too much already! After reading it, you already forgot the first three tips and can’t be bothered to go back and review the article because you just over-booked your afternoon. Again. Or: you might have read an article about how to shake loose of your stressful lifestyle and the first thought in your mind after reading it was: “Yeah, good luck with THAT”.
How about a miracle pill to fix my life?
I’m not pushing any pills (thank goodness), but what if I can give you ONE Thing you can do to help manage your time, help you feel less distracted, focus better and maximize productivity?
Limit how much time you spend on your smart phone.
Before you roll your eyes and think “I’ve heard all that before” – THINK about it. If you don’t believe this will work for you or that just seems like a hassle: then YOU are the person that needs it the most. If you can limit mobile device usage (except for necessary phone calls), social media, or online gaming to only TWICE a day for 15 minutes each time, I guarantee that you will be amazingly more productive. If that’s too extreme, try only 3 times a day to start or cut your current use by half – but no excuses for more! Has your head exploded yet?
A few rare individuals have gone so far as to eliminate smart phone usage for an entire 24 hours just to find out they had an actual life outside of social media and their phones! What about that new hobby you haven’t found time for, or that book you’ve been wanting to read (since the 1990’s), or maybe you can spend more time with your kids? Mobile device usage is linked to ‘disconnected’ families. Being in the same room on your phone doesn’t count as quality time.
Imagine How Much More You Will Get Accomplished!
Most avid smart phone users will obtain a 25% increase in ‘free’ time by limiting usage to only twice a day. It’s a fact that only by disconnecting can you truly connect with yourself, those you love, and others around you. Like it or not. Go on – try it (I double-dog dare you)!
Not Convinced Yet? Here’s More Fun Facts:
Smart Phones Are Addicting. Oops, yes I said it: addicting. That dirty word is not just for drugs anymore. Other countries have recognized internet addiction as a genuine threat. As opposed to four years ago when I first looked into the impacts of mobile devices on our social structure, parenting, and cultural impacts – there are literally tons of information out there about the subject, and the picture that is painted is not pretty.
I’ll save you some time and summarize:
1. Why can’t people just STOP texting and DRIVING?? Because, as social creatures, we have a deep desire to be needed. When we hear that “Ping!” from your notifications – it sends a signal to the brain that Someone Wants You. That signal is almost impossible to ignore. Even though 1.3 million auto accidents are texting-related, over 70% of young Americans still think they can confidently text and drive. Actually: You Can’t.
TOP TIP: mute your phone while driving. Calls will come through on your Bluetooth if you must talk and drive.
2. Can’t Stop Checking? Social Media addiction is REAL. Sadly, 25% of iPhone users check their Twitter feed before getting up in the morning and Americans dedicate ¼ of their time at work to social media (Umm, that’s not productive). Many have reported a feeling of anxiety when they cannot check their social media feeds and almost panic when the phone battery begins to dwindle or they cannot get signal.
TOP TIP: if you cannot discipline yourself to only check social media twice a day for 30 minutes or less – there are apps that can limit your usage for you. Don’t worry – you’ll survive and perhaps learn something wonderful about YOU, your friends, your family, and your life.

markzfilter / Pixabay
3. Smart Phone Connections to Disorders. No, not everyone that uses a smart phone is destined for a straight-jacket, but there are connections between frequent use and depression, social anxiety, aversion to social interaction, and reality avoidance. Studies on young adults, in particular, have found that frequent social media use is commonly linked to damaged self-esteem and these findings have also translated to an alarming extent to older generations as well. In an on-going study – researchers found a 40% decline in empathy for college students over the past 20 years. I don’t know about you, but this is scary news! A decline in empathy for others can lead to anti-social behavior or violence… and it might explain some of the increase in road rage incidents.
Let’s face it: the more ‘connected’ we are, the more disconnected we have become. By always feeling the pull of being ‘elsewhere’ through our mobile devices, we are hardly ever PRESENT. Even if that is driving, grocery shopping, at work, out with friends, with your family, or life events. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watch couples in restaurants caught up on their phones and not with each other. Or entire groups of people having dinner together and everyone is on their phone. The trend is that people don’t talk to one another anymore! The art of genuine conversation is dying. I will get weird looks when I meet someone in the eye and say “Good Morning!”
The fact is: human beings do NOT truly connect with one another unless it is IN PERSON. The internet cannot ever replace the value of human interaction. We have simply not evolved to where actual connections between individuals occur in absence of in-person contact.
Click Here to Watch Simon Sinek on Why Internet Friends Do Not Replace Human Relationships
When was the last time you attended a concert without feeling the need to whip out your phone to take a picture or twenty-five plus a selfie or three? There’s nothing wrong with capturing the moment, but are you actually ENGAGED in what’s going on? I can tell you for certain that when I put my phone down and wasn’t so concerned about capturing a video of my athletic heroes as they whizzed by during the 2013 Tour de France – my breath was taken away by the EXPERIENCE. I wasn’t actually present until I put my phone away and stopped being concerned about whether or not everyone on Facebook knew what I was doing too. Not everyone needs to know!
Honestly: it can wait. Be Present.
Life is too short and we aren’t gifted magically with more time when we get our first smart phone. If anything: it’s the biggest time-suck in the world. If you doubt me, log how long it takes you to get off of Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (or Pintrest!) the next time you grab your phone for a ‘quick’ check. My average has been 15 minutes: multiply that by 15 times day and you get a whopping 3.75 HOURS LOST. We only have an average 16 waking hours in which to live life every day – make the most of it!
Live Intentionally!