3 Free Online Tools to Radically Improve Your Job Search
Maximize your time, keep your sanity and increase your chances of being hired
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”CoachEurban”]Employers use robots to manage the job search process, so should you![/inlinetweet] If you feel that looking for a job IS a full-time job, then this article is your key to job search sanity. As a career strategist and career growth coach, it’s important for me that my clients invest their time wisely. You are only given so much time in a week and, unlike your salary, you cannot negotiate for more. Here are some pro tips and 3 free online tools to radically improve your job search – and your chances of landing the job you want.
Huntr – The Job Search Tracker
Huntr is a must-have Chrome extension for saving information, tracking, and organization to keep your job search moving. I love this plug-in that easily allows you to save job descriptions, links, track your progress, see maps, set reminders and create notes. You can do all this with the FREE version too! Instead of me telling you how awesome it is, check it out for yourself:
Hunter – Email Address Lookup
Ever wish you could contact the hiring manager directly? Maybe you just had an interview and being able to follow up with a ‘Thank You’ to the right person would increase your chances of landing the job. Or, suppose you want to circumnavigate the online job search process altogether and send your resume right to the person that needs to see it… Being able to find a real email address is critical to taking control of your job search – for FREE.
Hunter (not to be confused with Huntr) is also a Chrome extension that allows you to “find who to contact when you visit a website. Along with the email addresses, you can get the names, job titles, social networks, and phone numbers. All the data has public sources detailed in the search results. If you already know the name the person you would like to contact [like the hiring manager], type it in the search field. The email address will be returned instantly along with a confidence score and sources.”
Jobscan – ATS Optimize Your Resume
If you haven’t checked out Jobscan yet, this is a MUST have for effective online applications to improve your job search. Your resumes are managed by an application called ATS (applicant tracking systems) for the vast majority of online applications. Human Resource professionals and hiring managers are not sifting through the hundreds of applicants they receive to find your resume. Nope, it’s handled by a ‘robot’. ATS is quite literally a work match application that compares your resume to the job description and then ranks you.
If you meet at least 80% match, then and only then does a recruiter get a notification about your resume. You want your resume to be online application compatible and Jobscan helps you make sure that you meet the criteria to be considered for the job. The best part, it takes literally seconds and gives you tips about where you can improve your resume.
Improve Your Job Search
I am a huge fan of saving time and becoming more efficient! [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”CoachEurban”]Looking for a job shouldn’t be a full-time job.[/inlinetweet] These tools can help you become vastly more effective and increase your chances of getting the job you want. My other pro tips to optimize your candidacy for the jobs you want are:
? Value-Pack Your Resume. While your resume absolutely must be online compatible, it won’t do you any good if you don’t also include your career contributions. In other words, how have you leveraged your skills, abilities, and expertise to a positive outcome for the organizations you have worked for? Please don’t succumb to a boring bullet-point role-focused resume. Make sure you stand out to the hiring manager.
? Leverage Your LinkedIn Profile. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”CoachEurban”]It’s not good enough to just have a LinkedIn profile – make it work for you.[/inlinetweet] Around 75% of recruiters go to LinkedIn to find valid candidates for their job openings regardless of the applications they receive from job boards. It takes money to post a job and they want candidates fast. Leverage your LinkedIn account by making a good impression with a quality profile photo. Highly target your ideal career positions by including industry lingo and keywords. Grab attention with an engaging Summary and your valuable career contributions under each Experience section.
? Ace Your Interview. If you can interview with the confidence, it dramatically increases your chances of being chosen for the job. Interestingly, being likeable is just as important as your ability to do the job. Subconsciously, your interviewers are asking themselves “Can I trust this person?” and “Do I want to work with this person?”. Your ability to be relaxed and connect with those you are interviewing with is critical. Regardless, be kind to yourself if it doesn’t work out – you cannot be expected to ‘gel’ with everyone you meet.
Looking for a job shouldn’t be a full-time job!
Digital Job Search Savvy
The savvy job seeker uses digital tools and automation to save time, save sanity and increase the chances of being hired. I’m very excited about the new tools available now that were not even possible over 5 years ago. Staying current is vital to a smart and successful job search! Happy Hunting!
Note: the author is not affiliated with any of the online tools mentioned in this article nor does the author receive any compensation for the opinions expressed here.
A little bit about me …. my name is Erin Urban (LSSBB, CPDC), I’m a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a keynote speaker, a certified career growth and leadership development coach with almost a decade of mentoring and coaching successful professional transformations.
I help people achieve their potential!