Elevate team performance and your business impact

Zone of Genius: Teams

Elevate performance ... authentically

Reduce conflict, improve collaboration and reduce attrition

Your team's Zone of Genius empowers them to leverage their strengths, interests, and expertise in authentic alignment with their core values. As a result, your company becomes "future-proof".

In a world of uncertainty, be certain about your team's performance.

Ideal for teams in any industry looking to get a competitive edge. This is the first (and most important) step to achieving the business impact you want and retaining top talent.


Zone of Genius Coaching Empower & Energize Your Culture

Identify and leverage your team's gifts, strengths, and energy zones to elevate performance

Your certified coach, Erin Urban, partners with your leaders to understand where you have business friction points. From there, she works with your teams to develop a roadmap that aligns with their personal values, unlocks potential, leverages strengths, and honors expertise.

Develop a roadmap that authentically connects your team's natural abilities and work style to their professional life

Take the guesswork out of accessing the "Zone of Genius" with a data-driven and proven process to discover and ignite your team's inner brilliance. By understanding the inner landscape, your teams can collaborate more easily, identify opportunities for growth, reduce unnecessary conflict/tension, and elevate your company's impact.

When your team is aligned with the work they do, they feel more fulfilled. When they understand and leverage their unique work style (instead of fighting it), it reduces conflict and stress. Managers that know how to ignite their team with data-based and proven motivation methods lead more effectively.

Developing your talent from the inside out is a game changer in this "never normal" world!

Get started with a quick team assessment to understand the best strategy to accomplish your company's goals. 

Contrary to expectations, workplace wellbeing is not complex and it is most effective when your talent is able to align their strengths in their roles. Often the most straightforward solutions are the ones that sustain optimal results.

  • Core Values & Priorities

    The first step to establishing workplace fulfillment and living the best work life is identifying your talent's priorities and core values in alignment with their role. Your team will learn what drives decisions and creates behavior. We establish a framework to align goals with the core authentic self.

  • Leverage Gifts & Strengths

    Discover and tap into what comes naturally to your team (and may have gone unnoticed). Uncover where your people shine the brightest and what situations may drain their energy. Your talent will learn how to leverage their inner brilliance effortlessly and reduce stress naturally.

  • Understanding Work Styles

    Excel in the workplace by identifying and understanding communication, decision-making, and team collaboration styles. This is a critical measure for optimal team performance! Your people will gain clarity and confidence about how to authentically align with their zone of genius to thrive.

  • Optimize Peak Performance

    Reveal what influences behaviors, drains and elevates energy as well as drives daily productivity. Define what environments and situations will either support or sabotage your talent's ability to access their natural state of flow (accessing core gifts and talents). Create a daily plan for peak productivity!

erin long - talking

Why should your company "get in the zone"? You can author the future you want - I'm here to show you how

Whether you are looking to elevate performance, reduce workplace tension, or increase revenue - creating a collaborative culture critical for long-term success.

Misalignment creates missed opportunities and dissonance in your team's work/life. The number one cause of burnout is due to living and working disconnected from what drives you, your strengths, and your natural talent. Give your team the tools they need to leverage their gifts effortlessly in the workplace.

The "never normal" of world events creates unprecedented stress on everyone - which can lead to retention issues. Living and working in a "Zone of Genius" creates calm in the storm of uncertainty. It simplifies the seemingly complex and reduces unnecessary tension by proving tools to amplify a collaborative, supportive culture.

Everyone has natural gifts that often go untapped. Let's be honest, most people suffer from "open door syndrome". Shifting from one role to the next, often without insightful reflection, can create more issues than you realize. Few people take the necessary actions to understand what drives them so they can shine the brightest.

Work Style assessments are critical and often not used properly. In my experience from years of implementing assessments - they are usually a waste of time without the proper training and follow-up. These indicators are most effective in alignment with your team's core drivers and values. Keeping it simple, personal, and relevant is key to success.

Workplace wellbeing starts and ends with a great culture. Most people don't quit their jobs, they quit their culture. Create a culture that is "quit-proof". The research I have conducted indicates that people are most likely to stay when a company supports their growth and development. Collaborative environments are essential!

Your teams CAN live their fullest potential and elevate their impact. Create your company's roadmap to success by discovering your talent's natural strengths, drivers, and peak energy zones, to align them with strategic goals. I'm here to guide your steps to elevate your company's work/life culture!

Erin was a delight to work with!


Erin was a delight to work with! She did a workshop presentation for our CEO's about maintaining mental wellness in the face of constant change - so they can be the best leaders they can be. We had great feedback, highly recommended!

- Samantha Clark

What other clients have to say ...

I am impressed by how well the team resonated with the training that Erin provided. At first, we were skeptical that enhancing self-awareness could actually make a difference in our company culture. I'm happy to share that we have seen tremendous results from Erin's team collaboration workshops!
- Bob Steward (mid-sized technical services company, Austin TX)

I highly recommend working with Erin to understand your Zone of Genius! It made all the difference in my ability to lead my team at the highest level.
- Gary Newcomb (senior manager, renewables industry, Forth Worth TX)

Thank you, thank you [Erin] for helping our teams and leaders better understand how to leverage their natural talents in the workplace. Your training made a big difference in the morale and tone of the culture. 
- Dannaie Smelter (HR pro, Fortune 500 company, Houston TX)

I can't remember how I collaborated before the training that Erin gave, it's so natural now. I really enjoy how our team has come together as a stronger unit. We've seen such a boost in productivity! Thank you again. 
- Amanda S. (senior leader, energy company, Houston TX)

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