Erin Urban
Certified Professional Success & Neuro Leadership Coach
Hi! I'm Erin Urban and I'm glad you stopped by to see what I'm all about.
My gift is a natural ability to understand others at a deep level and clearly see what actions empower you to shine brightest. Think of me as a certified guide, lighting the path to your zone of genius.
My mission is to leverage brain science to help you break through barriers and unlock your potential.
My passion is to help you live a life you love.
I am an ICF Certified Coach, a Forbes Coaches Council Member, a bestselling author, and an International Speaker.
Clients include the former Chief of Staff at Dell EMC, C-Suite Executives, Accountants, Project Managers, Engineers from every industry, Human Resource Professionals, Sales Leaders, Technology Guru's, Marketing creatives, and a variety of rising stars in the business world.
I am an avid outdoors enthusiast, a former competitive cyclist, neuroscience nerd, avid writer/learner, gardener, and occasional painter. Learn more . . .

Coaching Credentials

Certified Lean Six Sigma Blackbelt Professional

EQ-i Certified
More About Coach Erin
Coaching Style
My coaching methodology is rooted in the knowledge that everyone is a whole, complete and capable human being. My job is not to "fix" you. My role as a coach is to empower you, challenge you, and unlock the brilliance inside of you. You will discover potential that you never knew you had!
ICF (International Coach Federation) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
What can you expect in individual coaching? By working with me, you can look forward to a customized path based on what you want to achieve. At a high level, we will first understand your goal(s), how you are aligned to the goal(s), and what stands in the way.
I partner with you to get crystal clear, aligning what you do with who you are to become the best version of yourself . . . and create more of what you want in your life!
Do you coach teams? (Heck Yes!) Coaching teams is so much fun! I have extensive experience coaching teams (systemic team coaching & facilitation). Even the best individual coaching does not always address the unique blend of characteristics that create high-performing teams.
I provide teams with the knowledge they need to optimize their environment, fuel collaboration, and develop peak performance.
"Great - but what is your coaching style?" I call myself a "coach-sultant". This means that I combine reflective questions to access your innate knowledge while providing timely insights from my training and expertise. I'm not here to 'tell' you how to be or what to do - this is YOUR journey and I'm your guide in this exciting discovery process!
Most importantly, I have applied all of my coaching methods and developmental techniques to myself first ... before leveraging proven strategies with my clients. I'm not here to simply share theories with you. The methods I use are proven by research and personally demonstrated.
I live what I coach.
It might surprise you to learn that I was not always a great leader or even good with people! As a young professional, I had hard lessons (and a hard head) to experience in order to become who I am today.
I share more about my Pivot Point in my bestselling book.
I call myself a 'recovering' perfectionist. This helped me achieve my professional goals to a point, however, it got in the way when I wanted to evolve my career.
My industry experience includes project management, leadership, process improvement, consulting, and coaching in a variety of industries: Energy, Supply Chain & Logistics, Manufacturing, Construction, and Interior Design.
With an extensive background in leading successful individual, cultural, and organizational transformational change: my mission is to leverage brain science to empower you to unlock your potential. My passion is to help you live a life you love.
Zone of Genius Coaching
Neuro-Leadership Coaching
I leverage applied neuroscience to guide my clients with science-based insights that unlock your leadership zone of genius. Fascinated by the capacity and potential of our incredible brains, I break down complex scientific concepts into bite-sized, practical applications. As a continuous learner, private researcher, and implementor of neuroscience techniques - my personal and client impacts are stunning! Even better, it is all backed by science.
Professional Success Coaching
I've studied the science of success for over 20 years - and longer! (I did my first social success experiment when I was only 17 years old.) I was always intrigued by common misconceptions about how to achieve success. As a result, I have put a great deal of energy into understanding the most effective (and easiest) way to achieve what you want, on your terms.
Team Coaching, Development & Training
A certified facilitator, team coach, and consultant - I have years of experience (+15) in everything from training to team culture development. Backed by science and adult learning models - I ensure that your team is supported to leverage their zone of genius and evolve into a high-performing team. Even better, those members can then share their knowledge and create an impact that lasts.
Professional Organizations
Behind the Scenes
I'm an outdoorsy kind of person and most weeks you will find me either in my garden, on my bike, or relaxing on our porch. If it wasn't for the Texas summer temperatures, I would probably live outside full time! Family vacations with my husband usually involve a combination of hiking and biking. We aren't really "sitting around" type of people unless we are too tired to move.
Fun facts: I am a retired competitive cyclist (CAT 3 racer) and I used to be a competent salsa dancer. Now, I'm not sure that I would be as graceful on the dance floor. I still help organize cycling events and remain physically fit through a combination of yoga, cycling, and cardio classes. I'm still proud of my wins from my racing days that include: 1st place in the Texas State Time Trial, podium finishes at road race events, and several podium finishes at Criterium races in Houston and Austin.
I have a green thumb too! I love gardening and it is incredibly rewarding to eat produce from the plants you nurture. This gift was handed down to me by my grandfather, who had over an acre of garden when I was a child. In fact, when I was developing my business logo years ago, having a connection with the outdoors and my love of plants was a must. As a result, my logo is a leaf. It is a symbol of growth, adaptability, and change. Plants transform over their growth cycles and so do we - when we get out of our own way.
I love my tiny town of Fayetteville, population 270 ish (on the weekends) located just west of Houston. Deep in the heart of south-central Texas, our little town was discovered on, you guessed it, a bike ride in the country. When it was time to go, I didn't want to leave. My husband, the jokester, said: "Let's buy a house". I didn't take him seriously, yet a few months later were became the proud owners of an original homestead built in 1875. This lovely house has become our permanent residence thanks to remote work and we couldn't be happier!
What does the future hold? I look forward to more travel and exploring the world. My husband is from the UK and we are fortunate to have many friends that live in Europe. We intend to spend as much time as possible investigating the landscape of a variety of countries and absorbing the culture. As a foody, I enjoy sampling cuisine during our travels almost as much as I enjoy drinking in the beautiful vistas of unique landscapes. The pandemic highlighted how precious the freedom to travel truly is and we intend to enjoy it as much as possible!
"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand." - traditional Irish blessing